Circular No. 879/17/2008-CX dated 05.12.2008
Classification of bura, makhana, mishri, hardas and battasas (patashas)
1. In exercise of powers conferred under Section 37B of the Central Excise
Act,1944, Central Board of Excise and Customs considers it necessary, for the
purposes of uniformity with respect to levy of excise duty on items like bura,
makhana, mishri, hardas and battasas (patashas), and for classification of such
goods, to issue the following instructions.
2. These products are made from sugar. The manufacturing process is as follows:
a. Sugar is added to boiled water in an open pan manually to obtain sugar
solution and some hydrogen sulphide is passed through the solution for
b. Patasahas are obtained by splashing the solution on a piece of wood which
converts sugar into amorphous sugar.
c. Hardas are prepared by pouring the solution into moulds which is then
allowed to cool.
d. Alchidanas/ makhanas are obtained by the passing the sugar solution of
appropriate consistency through sieve so as to convert into granulated lumps
of sugar.
e. Misri is obtained by pouring the solution into drums where threads are
already placed and the solution is allowed to dry around the threads.
f. Bura is obtained by beating the dried solution with wooden debbies
These products contain sucrose content of more than 90%.
3. The first issue is as to whether the processes indicated above amount to
manufacture in terms of provisions of Central Excise Act, 1944 or not. The
industry has relied upon the decision of the Supreme Court in case of Sakarwala
Brothers [1967 STC XIX (24)] to argue that since the Supreme Court has held that
the products under consideration are nothing but refined forms of sugar, no new
commodity has emerged as result of processes undertaken. Hence the processes
undertaken by them cannot be said to be amounting to manufacture under Section
2(f) of the Central Excise Act, 1944.
4. The matter has been examined. The above mentioned decisions of Apex Court do
not decide the question whether the processes undertaken amount to manufacture
or not in terms of the Section 2(f) of Central Excise Act,1944. From the reading
of the decision of the Gujrat High Court and Apex Court in case of Sakarwala
Brothers, it would be evident that the courts even at that time agreed to the
fact that these goods namely bura, makhana, mishri & patasha are commercially
known as products distinct from sugar. As per judicial pronouncements on the
issue of ‘manufacture', a process results into manufacture, if the new product
is known commercially different its character and use are different from the
materials from which it has been made. When a customer asks for Batasha, no
shopkeeper would give him sugar or vice versa. Thus reading this judgment of
Apex Court along with the series of judgement starting from DCM case makes it
clear that processes undertaken will amount to manufacture.
5. The next issue is regarding correct classification of these products. Two
contending classifications are under heading 1701 and 1704
6. From the explanatory notes to HSN it is quite evident that sugar in all
forms, containing more than 90% of sucrose contents will be classified as sugar
under heading number 1701. The sugar preparations like sweetmeats, confectionery
and candies will classifiable under heading 1704.
7. The Apex Court in case of Sakarwala Brothers has held that patasha, hardas,
bura sugar and alchidana are forms of sugar. The court stated that it is
possible to convert these articles into sugar by dissolving them in water and by
subjecting the solution to an appropriate process. Further these articles can be
put to the same use to which sugar-candy can be put. It is, therefore, manifest
that patasa, harda and alchidana are only different forms of refined sugar with
the requisite sucrose contents.
8. The classification of these items, has been decided by the Tribunal in the
following cases and it has been held that these products are classified under
heading 1701.
a. 1996 (84) E.L.T. 221 (T) D.C.M. Shriram Industries Vs C CEx, Meerut
b. 2006 (203) E.L.T. 232 (T) C C. EX Aurangabad Vs. Shrijee Heavy Projects
Works Ltd
c. 2007 (210) E.L.T. 681 (T) Atul Industries Vs. C C. Ex., Pune
9. However, Tribunal has in case of S M Confectionery (1993 (66) ELT 469)
decided that items like Chironjidana, Mishri, Rewadi, Batasha are more
appropriately classifiable as sugar confectionary under tariff heading 1704.90.
But the dispute before the Tribunal in this case was whether these sugar items
are prasadam falling under chapter 21 or are sugar confectionary classifiable
under chapter 17. Moreover since this decision failed to consider the
implication of chapter notes referred above and the decision of the Apex Court
in case of Sakarwala, the decision is per incuriam and cannot be taken as
binding precedence.
10. The HSN explanatory notes provide that:
a. Refined sugar can be produced as crystalline substance in the form of
small cube, loaves, slabs or sticks or regularly moulded sawn or cut pieces. [Hardas
are moulded products].
b. Heading 1701 covers items like sugar candy consisting of large crystal
produced by slow crystallization of concentrated solutions of sugar. [Mishri
is a type of candy manufactured by this process].
11. In view of above discussion, it is evident that these products namely
Ghadi Sakar (Mishri), Batasha (Pattasha), Illichidana (Chironjidana), Makhana
etc., are a form of sugar having more than 90% sucrose and therefore correctly
classified under item no 17019100 under the entry refined sugar.
12. Now, therefore, following instructions/ directions are issued:
a. The process of making bura, makhana, mishri, hardas and battasas (patashas)
from sugar shall amount to manufacture in terms of provisions of Section 2(f)
of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and will be liable to pay excise duty.
b. These products shall be classified under heading no 17019100, provided that
they fulfil the conditions of sub-heading note 1 and 2.
13. Based on the above clarifications pending cases may be disposed of.
(Ashima B ansal
Under Secretary to the Government of India
F.No. 17/02/2007-CX.1 - India's Premier portal on Excise matters