Circular No. 875/13/2008-CX dated
Issue pertaining to CNG manufacturers
Representations were received from manufacturers of Compressed Natural
Gas(CNG)as well as field formations requesting for single registration facility,
and clarification on the availability of CENVAT credit, etc. These issues have
been examined and the decisions taken in this regard are discussed below.
2.1 Single Registration: - The request to allow single registration to CNG
manufacturers has been accepted. Accordingly, notification No. 43/2008-CE(NT)
dated 06.10.2008 has been issued to amend the notification No. 35/2001-Central
Excise(N.T) dated 26.06.2001, to provide for single registration to the
manufacturers of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for all the manufacturing premises
falling under the jurisdiction of one Chief Commissioner of Central Excise. The
details of all such premises should be submitted along with the application for
registration. Consequently, notification No. 44/2008-CE(NT) dated 06.10.2008 has
also been issued to amend the notification No. 14/2002-Central Excise(N.T) dated
the 8th March,2002, to extend the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Central
Excise under whose jurisdiction a CNG manufacturer obtains single registration,
to that of the jurisdiction of the concerned Chief Commissioner of Central
Excise. To illustrate, if there are four commissionerates (A,B,C & D) under the
jurisdiction of a Chief Commissioner, and if the single registration for all
manufacturing premises of a CNG manufacturer has been obtained under
Commissionerates B, in that case the jurisdiction of commissionerates B shall
also extend to all the units of the said manufacturer falling in
commissionerates A, C and D for the purpose of anti-evasion, audit, return
scrutiny, demand etc. It may, however, be noted that CNG manufacturers, after
obtaining a single registration have to give prior intimation before starting
any additional premises.
2.2. CNG manufacturers, whose premises fall under jurisdiction of more than one
Chief Commissioner, will have to take separate registrations under the
jurisdiction of each Chief Commissioner. Such registration can be taken in any
of the Commissionerates within the jurisdiction of such Chief Commissioner.
Therefore, it has been provided in the notification that CNG manufacturer, who
is already registered under the earlier provisions, may apply for fresh
registration or file amendment to the existing registration as the case may be,
as per the new provisions, if required.
3. Availability of CENVAT credit: - In the case of CNG manufacturers, central
excise registration is to be given only in respect of those premises, where CNG
is actually manufactured i.e. where compressor is installed to convert natural
gas into CNG. Registration is not to be given for premises where CNG is merely
dispensed (commonly known as daughter stations) after being transported in
mobile cascades. Accordingly, the CENVAT credit can be taken only on those
inputs/ capital goods, which are used in registered premises, where actual
manufacturing takes place, and not on capital goods goods/inputs at daughter
station. The legal position holds good for the period prior to the amendment
4. Practice of measurement of CNG production:- It has been reported presently,
the duty payable on CNG is calculated on the quantity of CNG dispensed/sold from
the dispensers installed at the various CNG stations in a day, which is presumed
to be the production of the CNG by the compressors for that day. It has also
been noticed that in many cases the CNG stations (from where CNG is sold to
vehicles) are owned by an entity, which is different from the owner of the
compression facility. However, this practice is not in conformity with the legal
provisions. Section 3 of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with rule 4 of the
Central Excise Rules, 2002, requires a manufacturer to pay duty on the quantity
manufactured and removed from the factory. Therefore, the quantity sold to the
buyer at daughter stations (whether belonging to same entity or other) cannot be
taken as a basis for determining the duty payable, and the quantity of CNG
manufactured/ cleared by a manufacturer at the registered premises itself should
be the basis for calculating the quantum of duty payable on such clearances.
Accordingly, it has been decided that whenever CNG is transported in the mobile
cascades to the daughter stations, the quantity filled in the mobile cascades
should be measured at the registered premise by installing suitable measuring
device at the point of filling the mobile cascade. For the purpose of accountal
of daily production, a single invoice at the end of the day for the total
quantity filled in cascades may be prepared. However, when CNG is also dispensed
at the registered premises itself (where CNG station is situated in the same
premises where compression facility is situated) and where both the compression
and CNG dispensing unit belong to the same legal entity, the quantity of CNG
actually dispensed/sold from the dispensers can be considered for payment of
excise duty.
5. It is, therefore, requested that the above provisions/ instructions may be
brought to the notice of the CNG manufacturers as well as field formations.
These issues may also be discussed with the representatives of CNG
manufacturers. Wherever, additional measuring devises are required to be fitted
in terms of para 4 above, CNG manufacturers may be given a lead time of 3 months
to install such devises.
6. The field formations may be suitably informed.
7. Hindi version will follow.
(Rahul Nangare)
Under Secretary to the Government of India - India's Premier portal on Central Excise matters