Director General of Foreign Trade
Annexure A
1. IEC Number | |
2. Applicant Details | |
i. Name | |
ii. Address | |
3. RCMC Details | |
i. RCMC Number | ii. Date of Issue |
iii. Issuing Authority | iv. Valid upto |
v. Products/Services for which registered - in terms of main line of business. | |
4. Category of Service Provider (please tick) (Ö) | |
i. Individual Service Provider | |
ii. Hotels & Restaurants and other service Providers in Tourism Sector except Stand-alone restaurant. | |
iii. Stand Alone Restaurant | |
iv. All other Service Providers | |
5. Frequency of Application: Monthly/Quarterly/Half
Yearly/Annually (Ö the relevant
option) Note: Applicants are to exercise the option of applying on Monthly/Quarterly/Half Yearly/Annual basis along with the first application for the current financial year, and this frequency cannot be changed for application made on basis of FX earnings of the current financial year |
6. Foreign Exchange Earned for rendering of Service from India to (outside India or In India) - as per frequency of application in Row 5 above. |
Sl. No. | Supply of Service by Service Provider | Foreign Exchange Earned (Rs) (Please specify the period) |
1 | Supply of a ‘service’ from India to any other country under Para 9.53 (i) of FTP. | |
2 | Supply of a ‘service’ from India to service consumer of any other country in India under Para 9.53 (ii) of FTP. | |
3 | Supply of a ‘service’ from India through commercial or physical presence in territory of any other country under Para 9.53 (iii) of FTP. | |
4 | Supply of a ‘service’ in India relating to exports paid in free foreign exchange under Para 9.53 (iv) of FTP by Category of Service Provider 4(ii) i.e. Hotels & Restaurants and other service Providers in Tourism Sector except Stand-alone restaurant. | |
5 | Supply of a ‘service’ in India relating to exports paid in Indian Rupees which are otherwise considered as having being paid for in free foreign exchange by RBI under Para 9.53 (iv) of FTP by Category of Service Provider 4(ii) i.e. Hotels & Restaurants and other service Providers in Tourism Sector except Stand-alone restaurant. | |
6 | Supply of a ‘service’ in India relating to exports paid in free foreign exchange under Para 9.53 (iv) of FTP by Category of Service Provider 4(i), 4(iii), and 4(iv) above. | |
7 | Supply of a ‘service’ in India relating to exports paid in Indian Rupees which are otherwise considered as having being paid for in free foreign exchange by RBI under Para 9.53 (iv) of FTP by Category of Service Provider 4(i), 4(iii) , and 4(iv) above. | |
Total (Rs) | ||
Entitlement of SFIS (Rs) = [ (5%*(Row 4 + Row 5) ) +10%* (Total - (Row 4+ Row 5) ] |
6. Port of Registration (for purpose of Imports): 7. Number of Split Certificates required (in multiples of Rs. 5 lakhs each): |
8. Application Submission Details (in case of electronically submitted applications) | |
i. ECOM Reference Number | |
ii. Date of Submission on Server | |
iii. Submitted to which Regional Authority | |
iv. File Number | |
v. Date of Issue | |
9. Application Fee Details | |
(i) Amount (Rs): | |
(ii) Demand Draft/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer No | |
(iii) Date of Issue | |
(iv) Name of the Bank on which drawn | |
(v) Bank Branch on which drawn |
1. I hereby declare that particulars and statements made in this application
are true and correct and nothing has been concealed or held therefrom. I fully
understand that any information furnished in application if found incorrect or
false will render my firm/company and me liable for any penal action or other
consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
2. I hereby certify that none of Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director(s)/Karta/Trustee
of firm/company, as the case may be, is a Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director(s)/Karta/Trustee
in any other firm/company which has come to adverse notice of DGFT. I further
declare that under Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act (FTDR Act)
1992, my firm/company have not been debarred in person from undertaking any
export import business or activity by way of suspension or cancellation of IEC
number. [If so debarred under FTDR Act, details of said order and period for
which the same is operational may be provided].
3. I hereby certify that my firm/company has not defaulted from export
obligation under any provisions of FTP and has not been placed under the Denied
Entity List (DEL). [If under DEL List, kindly furnish details of order, current
status etc.]
4. I hereby declare that details of exports of services of my firm/company are
true and correct and in accordance with accounts maintained in my firm/company.
5. I hereby certify that foreign exchange earned on account of services rendered
from India alone has been taken into account for this application under SFIS and
these do not fall under any category or service which are not eligible as per
Para 3.18.1 of HBP v1.
6. I further declare that other sources of foreign exchange earnings such as
equity or debt participation, donations, repayment of loans and any other inflow
of foreign exchange unrelated to service rendered has not been considered.
7. I hereby declare that benefits are being claimed for only those earnings in
Indian Rupees which are otherwise considered as having been paid for in free
foreign exchange by RBI.
8. I hereby undertake to submit to Regional Authority (with a copy to
jurisdictional Excise Authorities), a statement of imports made under SF1S
within one month of completion of imports or expiry of validity of duty credit
scrip, whichever is earlier. 9. I hereby undertake that imports to be made under
this duty credit scrip shall be related to any service sector business and I
further undertake that such imported goods shall not be
sold/transferred/disposed off in a manner in contravention to provisions of FTP.
I further undertake to abide by provisions of Para 9.53 of FTP relating to
supply of service from India.
10. I undertake to abide by provisions of FTDR Act, 1992, Rules and Orders
framed thereunder, and FTP.
11. I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as
per Paragraph 9.9 of FTP.
Place: | Signature: |
Date: | Name: |
Documents to be submitted | Designation: |
1. Documentary evidence for payment of Application Fee | Official Address: |
2. CA/ICWA/CS certificate in format given in annexure to ANF 3B. | Telephone No. |
3. Documentary evidence of earnings in Indian Rupees which are otherwise considered as having been paid for in free foreign exchange by RBI should be produced. | Residential Address: |
Note: Each page of application has to be signed. | Email Address: |
Annexure to ANF 3H
Place: | Signature of CA/ICWA/CS: |
Date: | Name of the Signatory: |
Address: | |
Membership No. | |
Email Address: |
Certificate of Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of
Service from India to (outside India or In India) For the period ............................ (as per the frequency of application, please specify the month/quarter/half year/annum of the current financial year 2008-09) |
Sl.No. | Category of Service Provider | Sl. No. of Appendix 10 (within each category) |
Foreign Exchange Earned (Rs) |
1 | Para 9.53 (i) | i).… ii)…. |
2 | Para 9.53 (ii) | i) … ii) … |
3 | Para 9.53 (iii) | i).… ii)….. |
4 | Para 9.53 (iv) for Category 4(ii) of Sr. No 5 of ANF 3B | i) …. ii) … |
5 | Para 9.53 (iv) for Category 4(i), 4(iii), 4(iv) of Sr. No. 5 of ANF 3B | i) …. ii) … |
6* | Para 9.53 (iv)* for Category 4(ii) of Sr. No. 5 of ANF 3B | i) …. ii) … |
7* | Para 9.53 (iv) for Category 4(i), 4(iii), 4(iv) of Sr. No. 5 of ANF 3B | i) …. ii)…. |
Total Foreign Exchange Earned by Supply of Service from
India to (outside India or In India) (Rs) |
*Earnings in Indian Rupees that are otherwise treated as deemed to be realized in free foreign exchange by RBI - See Para 9.53 (iv) of FTP. |
Place: | Signature of CA/ICWA/CS: |
Date: | Name of the Signatory: |
Address: | |
Membership No. | |
Email Address: |