PUBLIC NOTICE No.16 (RE-2008) /2004-09
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendment in the Handbook of Procedures Vol.I:
1. Serial No.3 (4) in Appendix 21-C [Procedure of Electronic Fund Transfer] shall be amended to read as under:
3. Scale of Application fee |
Particulars |
Amount of fee (in rupees) |
4. Application for Duty Entitlement Passbook (DEPB) and other duty credit schemes |
Two per thousand or part thereof subject to a minimum of Two hundred and maximum of One lakh and fifty thousand. However, for applications filed electronically, the maximum fee would be Rs. seventy five thousand |
2. Application fee amount for issue of new IEC No. mentioned in ANF 2A shall be read as Rs.250 (Two hundred fifty).
3. This issues in public interest.
(R. S. Gujral)
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