Notification No. 116(RE-2008) / 2004-2009  dated 3.7.2009
Amendments in in Paragraph 1 to NTF. No.33/2007 dated 8.10.2007

S.O. (E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 read with Section 3(2) of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) and read with Para 1.3 and Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment, with immediate effect, in Paragraph 1 of Notification No. 33(RE-2007)/2004-2009, dated 08.10.2007, as amended from time to time:

2. With immediate effect, existing entry at Sl. No. 46A of table in Paragraph 1 of Notification No. 33(RE-2007)/2004-2009, dated 08.10.2007, against ITC (HS) code 1101 pertaining to wheat products shall be substituted and read as:

“Sl. No. Tariff Item HS Code Unit Item Description Export Policy Nature of Restriction
46A 1101 Kg Wheat Flour (Maida), Samolina (Rava / Sirgi), Wholemeal atta and resultant atta Free (i) The export is permitted subject to a limit of 6,50,000 tons upto 31st March, 2010;

(ii) Exports shall be allowed only from Customs EDI Ports.

3. The quantity of wheat products to be exported as mentioned in Para 2 above shall be monitored on a fortnightly basis both by the Customs Department as well as by DGCI&S, through fortnightly reports to be sent to the Department of Commerce / DGFT as well as to the Department of Food & Public Distribution.

4. This issues in Public Interest.

Director General of Foreign Trade
And Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India

(Issued from F.No.01/91/180/1254/AM’07/Export Cell) - India's Premier portal on DGFT matters