Policy Circular
No.86(RE-08)/2004-2009 Dated 04.05.2009
Clarification regarding applicability of 36 months Export Obligation Period (EOP)
under Duty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) Scheme
Attention is invited to Public Notice Nos. 151 dated 26th February, 2009, 160
dated 6.3.2009, wherein the original Export Obligation Period (EOP) under the
Advance Authorisation Scheme was increased to 36 months from the earlier
original EOP of 24 months. Further, it was clarified vide Policy Circular No. 80
dated 13.4.09 that the said facility had been extended for all Advance
Authorisations which are within 36 months from the date of issuance of the
authorisation, as on 26-2-2009 or thereafter.
2. Now representations have been received from the Trade & Industry as to
whether the aforesaid facility of EOP upto 36 months shall be available under
Duty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) Scheme as well.
2. Matter has been examined in detail. It is informed that since paragraph 4.64
of the HBP v1 related to “EOP and its extension under DFIA scheme” refers to
paragraph 4.22, the facility of EOP upto 36 months, as stated in the aforesaid
Public Notices and Policy Circular, is equally applicable under DFIA Scheme.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(C. Gangadharan)
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade
(F. No. 01/94/180/09-10)/DFIA-EOP/AM 10/PC 4)
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