Policy Circular No.
62 (RE-2008) / 2004-2009 Dated:
Subject: Clarification on grant of SFIS benefits to Service providers under EPCG
scheme for the period 1.4.2007 -31.3.2008
Reference is invited to Policy Circular No.15/RE: 2008 (2004-2009) dated 4th
July 2008 regarding grant of benefits to service providers under “Served From
India Scheme” (SFIS) and para 5.4(v) of FTP RE: 2007.
It is clarified that “pending EO under EPCG Authorization (over and above
average, if any)” means the duty saved export obligation which is pending over
and above the minimum duty saved export obligation specified to be fulfilled in
the prescribed block of years.
SFIS can therefore be granted on the foreign exchange earned during 1.4.2007
till 31.3.2008 in cases where the duty saved export obligation of the preceding
“block” (i.e. the “block” prior to 1.4.2007) has been completed.
This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Akash Taneja)
Jt. Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. 18/65/AM09/EPCG-II)
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