Attention is invited to Para 5.1 of Foreign Trade Policy wherein
Import of Motor Cars, Sports Utility Vehicles / all purpose vehicles are allowed
only to Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators or Tour Transport Operators and
Companies owning / operating Golf Resorts.
2. In order to ensure proper and intended use of above vehicles under EPCG
Scheme, following course of action would be taken by EPCG authorization holder,
Regional Authorities of DGFT and Custom Authorities in addition to existing
(a) Customs authorities will endorse in “Bill of Entry” while clearing such vehicles that such vehicles have to be registered as a vehicle “for tourist purpose only”. This would make purpose of import of vehicles absolutely clear and would also facilitate registration.
(b) In all past cases where Export Obligation Discharge Certificate (EODC) has not been obtained by 30-06-2008 and where vehicles were not registered as Tourist Vehicles, EPCG authorization holders will get them registered as Tourist Vehicles, by 31-08-2008. Regional Authorities of DGFT will monitor and ensure compliance.
3. This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(G. Seetharam Reddy)
Jt. Director General of foreign Trade - India's Premier portal on DGFT matters