PUBLIC NOTICE NO.  19 (RE-2007)/2004-2009 dated 16.7.2007
General Procedure for licensing of Restricted Goods: Import of iron scrap - ICD, Loni, Ghaziabd & new system of import from 01/04/2008

In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Handbook of Procedures, Vol.I :

Entry No. 12, ICD Tughlakabad ( New Delhi), appearing at para 2.32.2(b) shall be substituted by the following:

“ 12. ICD Loni, Ghaziabad”

Para 2.32.2(c) relating to ‘General Procedure for licensing of Restricted Goods’ shall be amended to read as under:-

“2.32.2(c) New system of import from registered sources will come into effect from 1.4.2008. However, in cases where Bill of Lading is dated 31.03.2008 or before, imports will be allowed on the basis of Pre-Shipment Inspection regime in terms of Para 2.32 of the HBP v1, notified vide Public Notice No.1 dated 08.04.2005 and as amended from time to time, till new system of import from registered sources comes into effect. List of Pre-Shipment Agencies notified under earlier regime is available on DGFT web site”.

This issues in Public interest.


(R.S. Gujral)
Director General of Foreign Trade and
Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India

(Issued from F.No. 01/89/180/Misc.65/AM05/PC-IA) - India's Premier portal on DGFT matters