PUBLIC NOTICE No. 105(RE-2007)/2004-2009 dated 6.02.2008
Amends Handbook for fixation of drawback brand rate

In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009, Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Handbook of Procedures, Vol. 1:

Para 8.3.3 shall be substituted as follows:

“8.3.3: Where All Industry Rate of Drawback is not available or same is less than 4/5th of duties actually paid on materials or components used in production or manufacture of the said goods, an application in ANF 8 along with prescribed documents may be made to RA or DC, for fixation of brand rate. Recipient may claim benefits on production of a suitable disclaimer from supplier along with a self declaration in Appendix 22 C of HBP Vol. I regarding non-availment of CENVAT credit in addition to prescribed documents”.

This issues in Public interest.

Director General of Foreign Trade
And Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India

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