(RE-2007)/2004-2009 DATED 27.12.2007
Reimbursement of duty paid on fuel procured from domestic oil
companies / Depots of domestic oil PSU as per DBK rate
S.O.(E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5
of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph
1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2004-2009, as amended, the Central
Government hereby makes the following amendments in FTP, 2004-2009 (Updated as
on 19.4.2007):
1. Paragraph 6.11(c)(iv) is amended to read as under:
“Reimbursement of duty paid on fuel procured from domestic oil companies /
Depots of domestic oil Public Sector Undertakings as per drawback rate notified
by DGFT from time to time.”
This issues in Public interest.Sd/-
(R.S. Gujral)
Director General of Foreign Trade and
Ex Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India
(Issued from File. No.(pt.) 01/92/180/ 121 /AM08/PC-II)
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