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DGFT matters
DGFT Public Notice No-90(RE-2006)/
2004-09 dated 13.03.2007
Import of 30 Lakh MTs of Wheat by State
Trading Corporation and 20 Lakh MTs of Wheat by Food Corporation of India at
Zero Duty
Attention is invited to Government of India, Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue) Ad-hoc Exemption Order No. 460/7/2006-CUS.V
dated 26th February, 2007. As per the said Ad-hoc Exemption Order, import of
wheat is allowed at Zero Duty as per all the conditions specified therein.
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy,
2004 - 09, as Notified in Gazette of India extraordinary, Part – II, Section –
3, Sub – Section (ii) as amended from time to time and as per provisions
contained in the Department of Revenue Ad-hoc Exemption Order No.
460/7/2006-CUS.V dated 26th February, 2007, the Director General of Foreign
Trade hereby notifies the following arrangements:
(i) Import of 30 lakh MTs and 20 lakh MTs of wheat under Chapter 10 of the ITC
(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 will be allowed at Zero
(ii) The imports will be made by 30th April, 2007.
(iii) The imports will be allowed only through the State Trading Corporation and
Food Corporation of India (FCI) subject to para 2.11 of the Foreign Trade
All other particulars and contents of DGFT Public Notice No. 7 dated 9th May,
2006 and Public Notice No. 46 dated 25th August, 2006, as amended from time to
time, remain unchanged.
This issues in public interest.Sd/-
(B.S. Meena)
Director General of Foreign Trade
And Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India
(Issued from F. No. 01/89/180/Misc.66/AM-06/PC-I(A))