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Policy Cir. No.8 (RE-2005)/2004-09 Dated the 13th   June, 2005  
Subject: Registering Authority for EOU/SEZ Units in respect import/export of  spices.  

In terms of para 2.44 of FTP, 2004-09 any person applying for (i) a licence/certificate/permission to import/export, or (ii) any other benefit or concession under this policy is required to furnish Registration-cum-Membership certificate (RCMC) granted by the competent authority in accordance with the procedure specified in the Hand-Book (Vol.1) unless specifically exempted under the Policy. Further, in terms of sub-paragraph 6.34(14) and para 7.32.2  of Hand-Book  of Procedures (Vol.1),the concerned Development Commissioner  of the EOU/SEZ unit will function as a registering authority and a separate Registration-cum-Membership certificate is not required in their cases as provided for in paragraph 2.44 of the Policy.  

It has been decided that in case of spices, it would be mandatory for the EOU/SEZ units to get  themselves registered with the Spices Board. .Public Notice No.21 dated 13.6.05 has been issued in this connection.  This will also be applicable  to existing units in EOU/SEZ engaged in  import/export of spices. This requirement should be strictly complied with.  

            This issues with the approval of competent authority.  

(P. K.Santra)

(F.No. 01/92/180/138/AM05/PC.II) 



All Development Commissioner of SEZ

All Licensing Authorities

EOU/EP(Agri) Division of Deptt. Of Commerce
Spices Board