(RE-2003)/2002-2007 NEW DELHI: Dated :28th January , 2004
Amendments related to EOU etc
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Handbook of Procedures (Vol. I):
1. Paragraphs 4.2, 4.6 and 27(a) of Appendix 14 –I pertaining to “EOUs, EHTPs and STPs Scheme” is amended as under:
4.2: Applications for setting up of units under EOU scheme other than proposals for setting up of unit in the services sector (except R&D, software and IT enabled services, or any other service activity as may be delegated by the BOA), shall be approved or rejected by the Units Approval Committee within 15 days as per the criteria indicated in Appendix-14-IB and Sector specific conditions relating to the approval given in Appenxid-14-IC. In other cases, approval may be granted by the Development Commissioner after clearance by the Board of Approval.
4.6: On approval, a Letter of Permission (LOP)/Letter of Intent (LOI) shall be issued by the Development Commissioner to EOU/EHTP/STP unit. The LOP shall have an initial validity of 3 years for commencement of production. Its validity may be extended by another 3 years, beyond initial validity, by the competent authority. However, proposals approved prior to 1.4.2002 shall be considered on a case to case basis by BOA beyond six years. Standard Format for LOP extension is given at Appendix 14-IS.
27(a): To consider applications for setting up EOUs other than proposals for setting up of unit in the services sector (except R&D, software and IT enabled services, or any other service activity as may be delegated by the BOA), Item of manufacturer requiring industrial licence under the Industrial (Development & Regulation), Act, 1951 shall be considered by the BOA.
This issues in Public Interest.
File No: 01/94/180/Public Notice/ AM04/ PC IV
Appended to Public Notice No 43 dated 28th January, 2004
(a) Land acquisition
(b) Loan sanction: Amount, date & Name of Financial Institution
(c) Amount disbursed so far (Institution wise)
(d) Equipment available on site:
(i) Details of acquired Capital Goods (CG) with date and value
(ii) Details of RM in stock and value (a) imported
(b) indigenous
(e) Building construction:
(f) Date of execution of legal undertaking:
(g) Green Card No. & period of its validity :
(h) Date of bonding licence obtained from jurisdictional C.E. under Section 58 & 65 of Customs Act, 1962 :
(i) Date of execution of B-17 bond :
(j) Power Connection :
(k) Whether any SCN issued by local Customs/Central Excise :
(l) If yes, the details thereof :
(m) Whether adjudicated or not :
(n) Total up to date investment and item thereof :
(o) Details of Employment :
(i.e. Pollution Control Board )
8. Reasons for non implementation so far :
9. Present request and reasons :
10. Proposed phasing of the project :
11. Specific Comments/categorical recommendation of the Development Commissioner.