DGFT PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 16/2002-2007 dated 10.7.2003


Subject:        Amendment to P.N.No. 7(RE-2003)/2002-07 dated 09.05.2003 - Procedure for import of various items under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) mechanism.


                  The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, as notified in the Gazette of India extraordinary, Part-II Section 3, sub Section (ii) vide S.O. No. 349(E) dated 31.03.2002 as amended from time to time and as per provisions at condition no. 1 of the annexure to notification no. 21/2002-customs dated 1.3.2002, read with notification (i) No. 26/2003-Customs dated 1.3.2003 and (ii) 66/2003-Customs dated 4.4.2003  hereby notifies the following amendment in the procedure prescribed (vide public notice as mentioned in the subject above) for allocation of the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) for the year 2003-04:


(i)       The last line of para 3 of the said Public Notice amended to read as:


“The completed application forms along with required/prescribed documents for the items mentioned at Para 2 (1) (a), 2(1) (b) and 2(1) (d )  must reach the Office of DGFT on or before 29th August,2003.”


(ii)           The Project and Equipment Corporation of India Ltd. (PEC)- A Government of  India Enterprise shall also be, henceforth, an eligible entity for availment of the quota for the items namely (a) crude sunflower seed or safflower oil or fraction thereof and (b) refined rape, colza or mustard oil-others as indicated at sl. No. 2(1)(c) and 2 (1) (d) of the said public notice.


(iii)      All other conditions/modalities prescribed vide earlier Public Notice would remain unchanged.


                           This issues in the Public interest.




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