DGFT PUBLIC NOTICE No.   4   /2002-07 dated 1.4.2002

Technical Characteristics under DFRC


In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Export  and Import Policy, 2002-07,   the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendment in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1):


The following shall be added at the end of paragraph 4.31 .


“However in respect of the following items , the exporter shall be required to give declaration with regard to technical characteristics, quality and specification in the shipping bill. The licencing authority while issuing Duty Free replenishment Certificate shall mention the technical characteristics, quality and specification in respect of such inputs :


Engineering/ Electronics


1.              Alloy Steel including Stainless Steel

2.              Copper Alloy

3.              Synthetic Rubber

4.              Bearings, Cables, IC’s, Diodes, PCB’s and Capacitors

5.              Brass Scrap

6.              Tungsten Filament


Chemical and Allied Products


1.              Carbon Black

2.              Additives

3.              Paper/ Paper Board

4.              Printing Ink

5.              Pigments

6.              Paints/ Varnishes

7.              Catalyst

8.              Resin/ Resinoid

9.              Synthetic Rubber

10.            Dyestuffs

11.            Solvent

12.            Timber/ Sawn Timber/ Wood/ Veneer

13.            Perfumes/ Essential Oil/ Aromatic Chemicals

14.            Surfactants




1.              Plastic Films




1.              Relevant Fabrics




1.         Marble


This shall come into effect from 1st April, 2002.


This issues in public interest.




Director General of Foreign Trade