DGFT Notification NO. 24/2002-07, DT. 15/01/2003
DTA sales of non ITA-1 items under the EOU/ SEZ scheme
In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with paragraph 1.1
of the Export and Import Policy, 2002-07, the Central Government hereby
amends/corrects the Export and Import Policy, 2002-07 as under:
1) Para 6.9 (h) is amended as under:
“Supplies of Information Technology (ITA-I) items and notified non ITA-I items,
provided that the items are manufactured in the unit and attract zero rate of
basic customs duty.”
( This amendment permits the counting of DTA sales of certain non ITA-I items as
given in S.No 9 of Appendix 14 B of Handbook ( Vol 1) to be counted for NFEP/ EP
under the EOU/ EPZ/ EHTP/ STP scheme.)
2) Para 7.8 ( vii) is amended as under:
“Supplies of Information Technology (ITA-I) items and notified non ITA-I items,
provided that the items are manufactured in the unit and attract zero rate of
basic customs duty.”
( This amendment permits the counting of DTA sales of certain non ITA-I items as
given in S.No 9 of Appendix 14 B of Handbook ( Vol 1) to be counted for NFEP
under the SEZ scheme.)
This issues in public interest.
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex officio Addl Secretary to the Government of India
(F.No: 01/94/180/20/AM03/PC-IV)