DGFT NOTIFICATION No. 9 (RE-2002)/2002-2007
dated 28.6.2002
Conditions for export of onions
S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act,1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Paragraphs 1.1 and 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy,2002-2007, the Central Government hereby decides to make following amendments in conditionalities applicable for export of onions mentioned at Code No. 0703 (a) of Table B of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items, 2002-2007:-
In supercession of DGFT’s Notifications No.42 (RE-98)/1997-2002 dt. 05.03.1999 and No.16 (RE-2000)/1997-2002 dated 17.5.2000 the following conditions will apply for export of onions:-
i) NAFED and other State Trading Enterprises are permitted to export onions under quota released and notified by Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time. The designated STEs can also issue NOCs to their Associate shippers. The STEs are presently allowed to levy service charges for issue of NOC etc. @ 3.5% of the invoiced value of export of onions. This charge shall stand reduced to a maximum of 2% for issue of any fresh NOC to Associate shippers with immediate effect and to a maximum of 1% w.e.f. 1.4.2003.
ii) The STEs are not allowed to levy any other charges except above by way of fees, guarantee or deposits or in any other form whatsoever.
iii) All onions exported will be subject to a Minimum Export Price (MEP) fixed by NAFED.
(iv) The STEs shall ensure that the quantities released are exported within the time prescribed in the relevant Notification/Public Notice issued by DGFT from time to time.
(v) The careful selection of exporters is made to eliminate the trading in permits to export onions.
(vi) The agencies shall ensure that quality of onions is maintained.
(vii) A weekly report of permits issued shall be provided to NAFED which shall act as a nodal agency to keep the Government of India informed of the outflow of onions.
(viii) Periodic reports of the actual shipment of onion by different agencies be submitted to the Department of Consumer Affairs.
2. The above conditions will also be applicable for export of balance quantity of onions released under quota to specified STEs vide DGFT’s Notification No. 50 (RE-2001)/1997-2002 dated 22.3.2002, Public Notice No.7 (RE-2002)/2002-2007 dated 12.4.2002 and Public Notice No.8 (RE-2002)/2002-2007 dated 19.4.2002.
3. This issues in Public interest.