DGFT POLICY CIRCULAR NO. 9 /2002-2007 Dated:
All Licensing Authorities
All Commissioners of Customs,
Subject: Import of Natural rubber under DEPB scheme - regarding.
Attention is invited to ALC Circular no. 2/2001-2002 dated 3.9.2001, Notification no. 41 dated 19.12.2001 and subsequent Policy Circulars 25 dated 20.2.2002 and 28 dated 4.3.2002. In this regard, and in respect of Public Notice 13 dated 20.5.2002, representations have been received from the trade and industry, and requests have been received from Customs authorities seeking clarification whether natural rubber can be imported under DEPB scheme.
The matter has been considered in consultation with Plantation Division of the Department of Commerce and the DES Division in this office and accordingly, it is clarified that the Policy restricts only duty free imports. DEPB is only a mode of payment of duty instead of payment in cash. Since Natural rubber is otherwise freely importable on payment of prescribed duty, Policy Circular 28 dated 4.3.2002 and earlier ALC Circulars does not prevent payment of Custom duty for import of natural rubber, which is freely importable, through DEPB scrips. Nor is this position altered by Public Notice 13 dated 20.5.2002.
This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade