DGFT POLICY CIRCULAR NO.  2/2002-2007     Dated: 16.4.2002


Subject: Import of crude drugs, listed at licensing note no. 2 at the end of Chapter   12  of ITC(HS) Classification.


            Attention is invited to licensing note no. 2 at the end of Chapter 12 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2002-2007.  Import of the crude drugs listed at the aforementioned licensing note is free.  The heading of the table, stating that import is subject to actual user condition, is an editing error.  Thus, the same may be ignored. 


            The heading would read as under:


List of crude drugs required for the Manufacture of Ayurvedic, Unani or any other system of medicine allowed for Import without a Licence. (the words “Subject to Actual User Condition” stand deleted).


            This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.

