POLICY CIRCULAR NO. 1/2002-2007 Dated: 31.3.2002
Subject: Condition on import of textile
and textile articles as per paragraph 11 of chapter 1A: General notes regarding
import policy of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2002-2007.
Representations have been received requesting to provide exemption from the
above mentioned conditions on import of such textile and textile articles which
are imported exclusively for export production.
2. In this regard, it is hereby clarified that the condition on import of
textile and textile articles as per the aforementioned notification, shall not
be applicable on imports made by units operating under the conditions of section
65 of Customs Act, 1962. However, the condition regarding testing shall be made
applicable if any consignment using the imported textile material is released
for home consumption. Similarly, the above mentioned condition shall not be
applicable on imports made as per the conditions of paragraph 2.35 of the Exim
Policy, 2002-2007. However, the condition regarding testing has to be made
applicable on such consignments which are released for home consumption.
This issues with approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.