Attention is invited to the entry at Code No. 1001(b) in Table B of Schedule 2 and SL. No. 12(ii) of Appendix 1 to Schedule 2 in the book titled “ ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 1997-2002 ” (incorporating amendments made upto 31st August, 1998) and as amended from time to time specifying the terms and conditions for export of items indicated therein.
2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Para 4.11 of the Export & Import Policy, 1997-2002, (incorporating amendments made upto 31st March, 2001) and as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade has decided to release a quantitative ceiling of 50,000MTs ( Fifty thousand MTs ) of Coarse Grains viz. “ Grain and flour of Barley, Maize, Bajra, Ragi and Jowar ( excluding Hybrid Jowar as Kharif Crop )” for export during the year 2001-2002. The sub-allocation of above release ceiling to specified agencies is as follows:-
(a) STC : 10,000MTs
(b) STCL : 10,000MTs
(c ) APEDA ( for private exporters ) : 30,000MTs
3. The above ceiling is placed at the disposal of APEDA for the purpose of issuing RCACs.
4. This issues in public interest