SALC Circular No. 1/2000-01 dated
Subject:- Import of Liquor against
advance licences under Para 7.5 of the Handbook of Procedure (Vol.I).
In one of the cases, it has been observed that RLA has issued an advance licence for import of concentrate of alcoholic beverages - vatted malt spirit with alcohol upto 65% v/v. against export of IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Liquor) under Para 7.5 of Hand Book of Procedures 1997-2002.
2. The matter has been considered in SALC. It has been decided that hereafter no advance licence should be issued by RLAs for import of liquor in any form, under Para 7.5 of Handbook of Procedures (Vol.I). All such applications shall be forwarded to HQ for disposal. As regards, advance licences already issued for import of this item, the details viz., name of firm, export product, import items allowed, cif value, fob value, quantity actually imported and actually exported so far (i.e. as on 15.4.2000) may please be intimated to this office latest by 15.5.2000.
(S.L. Gupta)
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade
Issued by:
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
(Directorate General of Foreign Trade)
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi