Policy Circular No.
18(RE-2000)/1997-2002 dated the 17th July, 2000
Clarification on Import of PCBs
Attention is invited to Notification No. 2(RE-2000)/97-02 dated 31.03.2000, according to which import of PCB's classified under Exim Code Nos. 851790 00.10 and 853400 00.20 was made free. Attention is also invited to Notification No. 15(RE-2000)/97-02 dated 10.05.2000, according to which licensing note no. 2 at the end of chapters 84,86,87,88,89,90,91, 92,93,94,95,96 and 98 was deleted and public Notice No. 290(PN) dated 30.04.95 was withdrawn.
Representations have been received by this office seeking clarification regarding submission of Special Import Licence (SIL) for import of PCBs, imported during the period 31.03.2000 to 10.05.2000.
In this regard it is clarified that substantive entries of PCBs were made free on 31.03.2000. However licensing notes of certain chapter in ITC(HS) were not deleted, inadvertently. These notes were deleted on 10.05.2000. However since, in fact, PCBs had been made free on 31.03.2000, all consignments of PCBs imported during the above mentioned period but yet to be cleared, shall be allowed without insisting for surrender of SIL. It is further clarified that in all such cases where imports took place during the said period and were released by Customs without surrender of SIL under ITC bond, such bonds shall be redeemed without insisting on surrender of SIL.
This issues with approval of DGFT.